Monday 12 August 2013

Mehico Monday... With a healthy twist!


It's been a while butttttt we're back! I've been gallivanting around different cities (Brissy and Melbs) the past couple of weeks enjoying my birthday but back to reality (and healthy eating) now! And what better way to celebrate than with my FAV cuisine, Mexican!

Guilt Free Tacos


Ingredients (Recipe's Below)
  • Cos lettuce
  • Guacamole
  • Salsa
  • Walnut & Cauliflower Mince (I found this recipe online here and am just addicted to it!)
Walnut & Cauliflower Mince
  • Half cauliflower head (broken into florets)
  • 150g walnuts
  • 2 tbsp tamari (or GF soy sauce)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 tsp of ground pink himalayan rock salt
  • 1.5 tsp paprika
  • 1/4 tsp dried sage (or italian mixed herbs do just fine)
Add cauliflower and walnuts into a food processor until it makes a slightly bumpy consistency.
Transfer to bowl and mix in remaining ingredients with hands.
Place in a baking dish (I used a brownie tin).
On the Green Gourmet Giraffe's website it says to preheat and oven to 180 degrees and bake for 60 minutes stirring halfway through, I've found a way to cheat this (without losing any tastiness) put the grill on high, place baking dish in the grill and watch till it turns brown, stir the mixture and repeat twice. Make sure you keep an eye while on the mixture it's under the grill so it doesn't burn.
Remove and let stand! Best served warm!

  • Ripe avocado
  • 1/4 lemon (juice)
  • Tabasco (to taste)
  • Himalayan pink rock salt (to taste)
  • Cracked pepper (to taste)
Scoop inside of avocado into a mixing bowl. Mash with fork.
Squeeze in juice from 1/4 lemon, tabasco, salt & pepper mixing with the fork.
Simple and delicious!

  •  Tin of organic diced tomatoes
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • 1/2 spanish (red) onion chopped finely
  • Pinch of garlic powder
  • Tabasco
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper - if you like it hot like me ;-)
  • Few drops of tamari sauce
  • Himalayan pink rock salt & pepper to taste
Remove excess liquid from diced tomatoes tin. Mix all ingredients well in a bowl. Too easy! 

So there you have it! The cos lettuce leaves make a delish (and very healthy) substitute to taco shells and still has a bit of a crunch! My dad (who is VERY hard to please when it doesn't involve meat) LOVED them... Success!

Obviously for you can add whatever you want to these, I found less is more (so you can taste all the yummy mix of flavours) but it's totally upto you! Takes the same amount of time as it would to make regular tacos. 

Hasta Luego chicos and chicas xx

A Verry Berry Chia Protein Smoothie

First of all I'm sorry for the delay of this recipe... But here it is as promised!

Verry Berry Chia Protein Smoothie

  • 1 scoop protein powder (I used vegan)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 250ml unsweetened organic almond milk
  • Handful of frozen organic berries
  • 1 tsp bee pollen 
Add all ingredients (except bee pollen) to blender or food processor until it has reached a creamy consistency. Pour into glass or a jar if you're on the run. Sprinkle bee pollen on top. There you have it! Super quick healthy breakfast!

This protein smoothie is also full of omega 3, fibre, calcium, antioxidants, vitamins b & c, potassium and iron... YUM

Love x

Friday 26 July 2013

Natural Cold Kicker Tea

I don't know about you but the past few months we've all been dealing with the onset of colds and have been battling trying to kick the sickness at the early stages (before those yucky bugs get settled in).

Everyone has their remedies and has heard 'urban legends' of what you can take to stop the onset of a cold or flu. This is one we all swear by and it comes in various forms. The most potent (and effective) recipe will be given below.

Beware this tea tastes like... crap (it's pretty damn strong).

Cold Kicker Tea (makes one large cup)

  • 1 clove garlic - minced
  • 1/2 lemon - juiced
  • 1/2 tbsp manuka honey
  • 1 tbsp grated ginger (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a large mug (triple ingredients for a teapot) and pour boiling water over, stirring. Let sit for 5-10 mins (you can use this time to breath in the steam to help ease a congested nose). And voila! Drink to your hearts content.

If you've already had a similar version of this tea but never really understood why the ingredients were used, keep reading. We'll give a bit of a break down below.

Lemons - as you all know these sour fruits are high in vitamin C, they are also antibacterial and antiviral.

Manuka Honey - A little less sweet than it's dessert friendly buddy, you can almost taste the medicine in Manuka honey. You may already know that honey is antibacterial, sooo that would make Manuka honey like Superman compared to normal honey (this could be my obsession with the recent film "Man of Steel" coming through). Basically Manuka honey is like Henry Cavill, stronger than the normal crime fighter, has a thicker, more luscious body and kills bugs with hot laser beams (alright I may have made that last part up). Jokes aside, it has been discovered that Manuka honey retains a special antibacterial activity that is able to kill drug-resistant superbugs. Defs a worthwhile investment to your cupboard.

Garlic - Not only does it make your breath smell like sh*t, raw garlic is one of strongest cold and flu warriors out there. Without going into a whole lot of scientific detail, I'll let a statement from Dr. Tariq Abdullah, a prominent garlic researcher fill you in:
“Garlic has the broadest spectrum of any antimicrobial substance that we know of — it is antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiprotozoan and antiviral.”

Ginger - This is optional depending on what you're coming down with. Ginger is great for nausea (many women drink ginger tea to aid morning sickness during pregnancy), it also aids with suppressing coughing and can help stopping your nose dripping like a tap.

Boiling water - Now you might be thinking this is just what we pour over the ingredients to make them semi digestible? Not only that but boiling hot water helps clear the nose and sinus (where most common colds take place), so this is actually an important ingredient.

Making this tea is simple and you can get all ingredients form your local supermarket or grocer (if you want top grade Manuka honey you can find this at health food stores).

Have as many times a day as you wish (we think 3 is a pretty good amount).

Love x

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Welcome Lovers!

OH-MY has been born through 3 ladies’ mutual love for trying to live the healthiest lifestyle possible in a way that is sustainable. We understand living a completely healthy life is not the easiest thing when coupled with your day to day responsibilities but hopefully through this blog you will be able to see how we have integrated some wonderful food (with yummy recipes), exercise and little remedies to make our (and now hopefully YOUR) lives better.

Not only will we be giving you recipes and tips, we will also be doing reviews on products and cafes so you know exactly what and where is good!

On the health side of things, we will be partnering with renowned yoga teachers, personal trainers and nutritionists who will show you how to be the very best you can be.

In the next week we’ll make sure we all introduce ourselves a bit better so you know exactly who’s talking…  We all have different strengths and things we’re passionate about which will become evident through the posts!

That’s it from us for now, thank you for following <3

Love Mal, Val and Jess x